High quality software

To guarantee high quality software, we maintain a method of working that delivers web applications and mobile apps that are not just carefully programmed but also stable, secure and fast.

What does quality mean for us

Quality to us means delivering stable software, that holds up to all the demands of information security and that the end users are able to use with pleasure. Software that’s extensively tested and easy to maintain. That way you can be certain that you’re bringing a secure and fast solution onto the market.

Our development team strives for the best technological solutions. We’re gonna explain what this means in practice.

In practice: the four-eyes principle

Every line of source code we write gets checked by at least one other developer. It’s proven that this type of peer reviewing by co-workers drastically lowers the chance for faults in the software. It also helps us learn from each others programming. That way we can build more knowledge on your project which will make it stronger.

Manual and automatic testing

While developing software we use, among others, test-driven development. In this method a developer will first write one or more tests before the source code gets written. That’s important to discover eventual problems in a timely manner. Especially when a system is starting to grow automated testing is an absolute must.

We also monitor the quality, security risks and structure of the code using technology specific analysis tools. Besides that we also test manually, so that we can maintain user friendliness. By using these methods we make sure that we can deliver structured, high quality code.

Independent audits

Experience tells us that our careful approach works. The satisfaction of our clients and the end users speaks for itself. If the nature of a project calls for it, we will have our solutions tested by independent parties. Multiple projects of ours have been audited by external auditors and for each of them we achieved an excellent score on quality.


Want us to build high quality software for you? Come by for a cup of coffee!

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